⭐️ Welcome to Extra People Juniors! ⭐️
✅ If your child already has a profile with Extra People Juniors, please select ↓ Login ↓ to access our secure portal.
🔐 You will be redirected to Entertainment Partners for login authentication
✍️ If your child is new to our platform, choose ↓ Register Now ↓ to create a profile!
If you intend to create a profile for more than one child, you will need a separate email address for each child's profile.
🔴 Only ** parents or legal guardians** can sign up and create a profile for a child
🔴 Only children aged 17 and under can be registered via this portal
🔴 If you are under 16, your legal guardian must create your artist profile on your behalf, and you must have their permission.
Don't have a Background Performer profile?